We offer Soccer Programs to people of different ages.
In-House Program - 5-7 years old
This is the period when each player develops his/her individual style of play.
Competitive Program - 8-18 years old
The teams compete in The Greater Akron Amateur Soccer Association (GAASA) League and tournaments.
In addition, we also have other interesting programs which are stated below:
1. We offer a year round youth development/after school soccer program.
2. Fall game schedule is pending.
3. Fee: $40 per player in the spring and in the fall seasons. Winter indoor
foot skills training and four weeks of summer camp are FREE of charge.
4. 2022 Season starts July 18, 2022 and ends October 15, 2022.
5. Practice Tuesdays and Thursdays for 5-13 year old at Hardesty Park.
6. Game schedule to be out on Monday, 15th August, 2022.